Am certain that for Valentine's Day, maybe a little va-va-vixen will suit for tomorrow night's rendezvous - in the form of a little black dress and red lips to make M's heart flutter. If it hasn't been obvious now, beautiful lingerie is an absolute must to my outfits, the foundation of it all and simply just another layer of stunning to complete the whole look. Wherever you are, whatever you may do for this weekend, whether celebrating a few days off (four days in the city with M for me) or going anti-holiday, hope you enjoy it all!

Ellery Black Zeplinette Dress | Flowerbomb Crystal Limited Edition | Valentino Lace D'Orsay Pump | Myla Eustacia Lingerie | Yves Saint Laurent Glossy Stain in Rouge Laque
Photos: One + Two | Three
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